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In Brief

Victoria Day 2023: A Canadian Statutory Holiday

In Brief

Victoria Day is a Canadian statutory holiday observed on Monday, May 20, 2023. It marks the birthday of Queen Victoria and is commonly referred to as the "Sovereigns birthday."

Further Details

According to a proclamation issued in May 2023, Victoria Day is officially recognized as the designated date for celebrating the Sovereign's birthday in Canada. The holiday is celebrated on the Monday preceding May 25th annually. In 2024, Victoria Day falls on Monday, May 20th.

It is important to note that Victoria Day is a federal Canadian statutory holiday observed on the Monday before May 25th each year. The date was originally set to commemorate the birthday of Queen Victoria, who reigned from 1837 to 1901. Today, Victoria Day continues to hold significance in Canada as a time to honor the monarchy and celebrate the legacy of Queen Victoria.
